Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Presentations should be about 10-15 min long. You’re welcome to do anything you like with the presentation—it’s your time to run the class. Some ideas include:

-explaining the background to the argument you’re making

-looking at one part of your paper in class to help you revise, or to talk about writing

-some kind of creative project/art/performance

-anything else you can think of!

Let me know if you need a projector or anything and I can arrange to have one. You’re welcome to get the rest of the class involved in your presentation, too. The key thing is to make the presentations interesting. No one wants to sit through something that’s boring!

Please please please let me know if you want to talk through what you're doing for the presentaion or how your research paper is going.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Claiming your research paper

Thanks for the smart discussion on the research paper today! I was planning to just discuss Gould on Friday, but I think we should hash out the final details of the paper first, and then move on the Gould when we're done. So, for Weds, I'd like you to think about:
-When's the best time to conference with me on this paper? With your peers?
-When would you like me to take home your draft and comment on it?
-Would you like to do one or two (or more) days of peer review? At what point in the drafting process would you like to meet?

Also, since you've decided to have an open topic for this paper, I'd really like for you to have a chance to share what you're doing with the class. I'd like to mark the last few weeks of class for presentation-type things. Up for debate with this are the following issues:
-How open should the presentation format be? Should we have, for instance, non-speech creative options for a presentation?
-What's the most useful way for you to use your time in the limelight?
-Should I grade it, just give you comments, or should you get comments/grades from you peers instead, or should we just make it credit/no-credit participation thing?

Lots to think about! But the good news is that I'm feeling a little badly about slamming you with so much work. If we've got lots to discuss concerning the research paper Friday, then we won't get through all of Gould's article, which means we'll continue to talk about that on Monday, which means you'll have a weekend with less homework from me. :)

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