Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Paper 2, Draft 2
I've gotten a few questions about people having difficulty finding outside sources for their drafts, so I want to address that question generally here...
It's really important for you to find an outside source for this draft of this paper. I know it's a challenge, but if you can get through some of the difficulties of research now, you'll have an easier time on your next paper, and hopefully in other classes in which you'll be required to do research. I also think it's important to get your outside source into this draft because the later you add a source to a draft, the more tacked-on and out-of-place it tends to be in a paper.
If you're having trouble, here's my advice:
It's really important for you to find an outside source for this draft of this paper. I know it's a challenge, but if you can get through some of the difficulties of research now, you'll have an easier time on your next paper, and hopefully in other classes in which you'll be required to do research. I also think it's important to get your outside source into this draft because the later you add a source to a draft, the more tacked-on and out-of-place it tends to be in a paper.
If you're having trouble, here's my advice:
- Think about where you can use a little extra support in your paper. Having a specific idea of what you want your outside source to address might make it easier to narrow down your search. You'll have no luck just searching "purpose of education," I promise.
- Check with the librarians at College Library. The Reference Desk (in front of you when you walk into the building) is staffed Monday to Friday, 8am to midnight, Saturday and Sunday, 10am to midnight. They're there specifically to help you. Bring in the assignment sheet and the draft of your paper, and be prepared to talk about what kind of source you're looking for.
- Email Pamela O'Donnell (our designated librarian who met with us that day at College Library) at podonnell@library.wisc.edu or the College Librarians in general at helenc@library.wisc.edu .
- Use LiveHelp from home; the information on downloading the software is
available from this page.