Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Links for 9/11 sites

I've been spending a lot of time looking at 9/11 sites online, and I've found some interesting ones. This is by no means an exhaustive list of links on 9/11, but it's a place for you to start. Feel free to follow your interests as you browse though these and other 9/11 sites. Take notes on what you see and learn and find interesting and we'll talk about it in class on Thurs. I'd like you to spend at least an hour browsing these and other 9/11 sites.

(these are in no particular order)
Library of Congress oral history project
Library of Congress Witness and Response
CBS interactive (you can to follow the link to the Sept 11 commission here, or find other interactive features)
Dept of State International Heroes
Response to 9/11 from
an English language Egyptian newspaper
NPR's 9/11 archive
PBS's Documentary, The American Experience, The Center of the World--New York
Smithsonian's 9/11 site
9/11 victims memorial site
Peaceful Tomorrows: 9/11 victims' families united for peace

I'm always on the lookout for new links, so send me one if you find a good one.

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