Thursday, January 26, 2006

Readings for Tues, Jan 31

For Tuesday, I'd like you to read several articles that go against the "party line" (though we can discuss this concept of the "party line", if you'd like!):
Tarek Atia's "Instantaneous Translation":
A.R. Torres' "Confessions of a 9/11 Widow" (also called "The reluctant Icon")
Asra Q. Nomani's "At Home with the Taliban"

and, if you're interested in the article I read a passage from in class (this one's optional):
Lauren Sandler's "Missing Women" (also called "Hearts Broken, Hands Full":

The Sandler, Torres and Nomani articles can also be found in print-friendly doc formats in the content section of the learn@uw site, if you have any trouble with the links here.

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